A creature inspired by the (current) conspiratory speculation about 5G tower masts emitting radiation that caused and/or cause the COVID-19 infection. The Parasite of Fear is the embodiment of this specific conspiracy theory. The voice-over narrative speaks of a perspective of fear and challenge, a speculation and a conspiracy but also a stance towards “truth” or at least clarification. It speaks of a viral infection, not necessarily in the physiological sense but (perhaps) digital, the memetic virus that emerges through our phones and screens, from the radiating towers.
During the creation of the creature Rosa dived into conspiracy theories and tried to get into the mindset of the people that narrate and believe them. Beside that she looked at existing creatures that made her think of these people, the theory itself and created a combination. Rosa has always had a fascination for mythical creatures and origin myth stories. This was for her an opportunity to finally draw again and use that fascination.
Rosa Zwiers: concept, graphic design, video editing, drawing, sound design.
// Nothing has been used for commercial purposes.
Copyright 2024 © Rosa Zwiers / All rights reserved